
rorcid is a package developed by Scott Chamberlain, co-founder of rOpenSci, to serve as an interface to the ORCID API.

You can find more information about the API on the ORCID site.

Credit to Paul Oldham at for inspiring some of the structure and ideas throughout this document. I highly recommend reading it.

Workshop code for this module is at


This walkthrough is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.

Setting up rorcid

If you haven’t done so already, create an ORCID account at If you have an ORCID but can’t remember it, search for your name at If you try to sign in with an email address already associated with an ORCID, you’ll be prompted to sign into the existing record. If you try to register with a different address, when you enter your name you’ll be asked to review existing records with that name and verify that none of them belong to you–see more on duplicate ORCID records. Make sure you have verified your email address.

Next, install and load the rorcid package in R. Also install usethis in order to set the API key, as well as tidyverse, which is a package that contains many packages we’ll use throughout.


Next, you need to authenticate with an ORCID API Key. According to the ORCID API tutorial, anyone can receive a key to access the public API.

In R Studio, call:


You should see a message stating: no ORCID token found; attempting OAuth authentication and a window will open in your default internet browser. Log-in to your orcid account. You will be asked to give rorcid authorization to access your ORCID Record for the purposes of getting your ORCID iD. Click “Authorize.”

If successful, the browser window will state: “Authentication complete. Please close this page and return to R.” Return to R Studio and you should see in your R console the word Bearer, followed by a long string of letters and numbers. These letters and numbers are your API key. At this point, this should be cached locally in your working directory.

Highlight and copy the API key (the letters and numbers only–exclude the word “Bearer” and the space). Now you can use the edit_r_environ() function from the usethis package to store the token in your R environment.


A new window will open in R Studio. Type ORCID_TOKEN="my-token", replacing my-token with the API key. Then press enter to create a new line, and leave it blank. It will look like something like this (below is a fake token):


Press Ctrl + S (Mac: Cmd + S to save the API key to your R environment and close the window. In R Studio, click Session > Restart R. Your token should now be saved to your R environment. You can confirm this by calling orcid_auth(), and it will print the token.

Option 2

If this does not work for you, there is another option:

  1. Sign in to your ORCID account
  2. In the upper right corner, click your name, then in the drop-down menu, click Developer Tools. Note: In order to access Developer Tools, you must verify your email address. If you have not already verified your email address, you will be prompted to do so at this point.
  3. Click the “Register for the free ORCID public API” button
  4. Review and agree to the terms of service when prompted.
  5. Add your name in the Name field, in the Your Website URL field, “Getting public API key” in Description field, and in the redirect URI field. Click the diskette button to save.
  6. A gray box will appear including your Client ID and Client Secret. In the below code chunk, copy and paste the client ID and the client secret respectively. Make sure to leave the quotation marks (e.g. orcid_client_id <- "APP-FDFJKDSLF320SDFF" and orcid_client_secret <- "c8e987sa-0b9c-82ed-91as-1112b24234e"). Then execute the code chunk.
# copy/paste your client ID from
orcid_client_id <- "APP-UXL71DIF91UFKDA"

# copy/paste your client secret from
orcid_client_secret <- "c7e221dc-0b9c-48cf-92sq-24446b8490231e"
  1. Now execute the below code, which will send a POST request (from the httr package) to ORCID and return to you an access token.
orcid_request <- POST(url  = "",
          config = add_headers(`Accept` = "application/json",
                               `Content-Type` = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),
          body = list(grant_type = "client_credentials",
                      scope = "/read-public",
                      client_id = orcid_client_id,
                      client_secret = orcid_client_secret),
          encode = "form")

Now that we have the response, we can use content from httr to get the information we want. If you look at the result, you’ll see it includes a variable called access_token.

orcid_response <- content(orcid_request)

Copy that to the clipboard. Now you can use the edit_r_environ() function from the usethis package to store the token in your R environment.


A new window will open in R Studio. Type ORCID_TOKEN="my-token", pasting my-token with the access_token you just copied. Then press enter to create a new line, and leave it blank. It will look like something like this (below is a fake token):


Press Ctrl + S (Mac: Cmd + S to save the API key to your R environment and close the window. In R Studio, click Session > Restart R. Your token should now be saved to your R environment. You can confirm this by calling orcid_auth(), and it will print the token.

clean_names() and %>%

Often times the columns returned from the ORCID API have a complicated combination of punctuation that can make them hard to use. The clean_names() function from the janitor package is optional and used only to simplify the column names of the data. It converts all punctuation to underscores, so the field orcid-identifier.uri becomes orcid_identifier_uri.

A Pipe Operator %>%. A pipe takes the output of one statement and makes it the input of the next statement. You can think of it as “then” in natural language. So the above script first runs the orcid() API call, then it clean the column names of the data that was pulled into R as a result of that call. So for example, in the expression above, we first call up the my_osu_orcids data. We then apply the bind_rows() function to pull all the data together into a single data frame, and then clean the names with clean_names().

Finding biographical information

The orcid() function gets the IDs, but no information about the person. For that, you will need to use orcid_person().

Unlike orcid(), orcid_person() does not take a query; it accepts only ORICID iDs in the form XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX. So we can get the ORICID iD itself into it’s own vector. We can then pass that argument on to orcid_person().

carberry_orcid <- "0000-0002-1825-0097"
carberry_person <- rorcid::orcid_person(carberry_orcid)

If you look at the result for carberry_person in the Environment Pane in R Studio, you will see it returned a List of 1. We can view it here on this website using the listviewer package.

listviewer::jsonedit(carberry_person, mode = "view")

Click the drop-down arrow next to the ORICID iD. We see one list here (his ORCID iD) and inside of that list is more lists. And inside those lists is even more lists! We can see the names of the top-level elements of the list by running names(carberry_person[[1]]).

##  [1] "last-modified-date"   "name"                 "other-names"         
##  [4] "biography"            "researcher-urls"      "emails"              
##  [7] "addresses"            "keywords"             "external-identifiers"
## [10] "path"

If you click the drop-down arrow next to name. You can run names(carberry_person[[1]]$name) to see the names of those elements. While this is great data, if we want to run some analysis on it, we need to get it into a nice, tidy data frame.

Getting the data into a data frame

This is not an easy or straightforward process. I provide below one strategy to get some of the relevant data, using map functions from the purrr package and building a tibble (the tidyverse’s more efficient data frame) piece by piece.

carberry_data <- carberry_person %>% {
      created_date = purrr::map_dbl(., purrr::pluck, "name", "created-date", "value", .default=NA_integer_),
      given_name = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "name", "given-names", "value", .default=NA_character_),
      family_name = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "name", "family-name", "value", .default=NA_character_),
      credit_name = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "name", "credit-name", "value", .default=NA_character_),
      other_names = purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "other-names", "other-name", "content", .default=NA_character_),
      orcid_identifier_path = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "name", "path", .default = NA_character_),
      biography = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "biography", "content", .default=NA_character_),
      researcher_urls = purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "researcher-urls", "researcher-url", .default=NA_character_),
      emails = purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "emails", "email", "email", .default=NA_character_),
      keywords = purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "keywords", "keyword", "content", .default=NA_character_),
      external_ids = purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "external-identifiers", "external-identifier", .default=NA_character_)
  • The created_date comes from within the name list, so technically it is the date the name was created, not the date the ORCID account was created, which is not available in this data. This is plucked with map_dbl() because it is in double format (a numeric data type in R) .
  • The given_name, family_name, credit_name, orcid_identifier_path, and biography are plucked with map_chr() because they are both character types.
  • The other_names, keywords, researcher_urls, and external_ids are plucked with map() because there may be multiple values (unlike the other names, in which you can only have one). For example, someone may have multiple other names, or multiple keywords. So this will return a nested list to the tibble; we will discuss below how to unnest it.

Each of these functions includes a .default = NA_character_ argument because if the value is NULL (if the ORCID author didn’t input the information) then it will convert that NULL to NA.

Fixing dates

View the created date by running carberry_data$created_date and you will see this is a number, not a date:

## 0000-0002-1825-0097 
##        1.460758e+12

The dates are in Unix time, which is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970. In ORCID, this is in milliseconds. We can use the anytime() function from the anytime package created by Dirk Eddelbuettel to convert it and return a POSIXct object. You have to divide it by 1000 because it’s in milliseconds. Below we use the mutate() function from dplyr to overwrite the created_date and last_modified_date UNIX time with the human readable POSIXct dates.

carberry_datesAndTimes <- carberry_data %>%
  dplyr::mutate(created_date = anytime::anytime(created_date/1000))
##       0000-0002-1825-0097 
## "2016-04-15 17:00:17 CDT"

That looks much better: April 15th, 2016 at 5:00 PM and 17 seconds Central Daylight Time.

If you’d prefer to do away with the time altogether (and keep only the month/day/year), you can use anydate() instead of anytime().

carberry_datesOnly <- carberry_data %>%
  dplyr::mutate(created_date = anytime::anydate(created_date/1000))
## [1] "2016-04-15"

Check out the lubridate package for more you can do with dates. It is installed with tidyverse, but not loaded, so you have to load it with its own call to library() (we did this at the beginning of the session). For example, you may be more interested in year of creation than month. So after you run the conversion with anytime, you can create year variables with mutate():

carberry_years <- carberry_datesOnly %>%
  dplyr::mutate(created_year = lubridate::year(created_date))
## [1] 2016

Unnesting nested lists

There are nested lists in this data frame that can be unnested. The other_names and keywords values are character vectors, while the researcher_urls and external_ids values are data frames themselves. We can use the unnest() function from the tidyr package to unnest both types. In other words, this will make each element of the list its own row. For instance, since there are two keywords for carberry (“psychoceramics” and “ionian philology”), there will now be two rows that are otherwise identical except for the keywords column:

carberry_keywords <- carberry_data %>%
## [1] "psychoceramics"   "ionian philology"

We can see which columns are lists by calling is_list() in the map_lgl() function (this will return a TRUE/FALSE for each column that is a list), and subsetting the names() of carberry_data by those values:

carberry_list_columns <- map_lgl(carberry_data, is_list)
## [1] "other_names"     "researcher_urls" "emails"          "keywords"       
## [5] "external_ids"

Rather than having 1 observation of 11 variables, the data frame now has 2 observations of 7 variables. We know why there are two observations (because there are 2 keywords), but why are there fewer variables? Because there is an argument to unnest() called .drop, which is set to TRUE by default, meaning all additional list columns will be dropped. If you want to keep them, just set it to FALSE Note, however, that it will not unnest them.

carberry_keywords <- carberry_data %>%
  tidyr::unnest(keywords, .drop = FALSE)

You can unnest multiple nested columns, but keep in mind that this will multiply the duplicated columns in your data frame, because there will be it is spreading the key-value pairs across multiple columns. For more on wide and long data, read Hadley Wickham’s paper “Tidy data,” published in The Journal of Statistical Software.

carberry_keywords_otherNames <- carberry_data %>%
  tidyr::unnest(keywords, .drop = FALSE) %>%
  tidyr::unnest(other_names, .drop = FALSE)

When we unnest researcher_urls or external_ids, we will see many more columns added. That is because each of these nested lists contains multiple variables:

carberry_researcherURLs <- carberry_data %>%
  tidyr::unnest(researcher_urls, .drop = FALSE)

Carberry has two URLs: his Wikipedia page and a page about him on the Brown University Library. So a row is created for each of these URLs, and multiple columns are added such as the last modified date, the url value, and so on. You can keep or remove columns you don’t want using select() from the dplyr package.

Writing to CSV

We will use the write_csv() function from the readr package to write our data to disk. This package was loaded when you called library(tidyverse) at the beginning of the session.

With a typical data frame, you can simply write the carberry_data data frame to a CSV with the following code:

write_csv(carberry_keywords, "C:/Users/MyUserName/Desktop/carberry_data.csv")

The problem is, due to the nested lists we described above, R will throw an error: "Error in stream_delim_(df, path, ...) : Don't know how to handle vector of type list."

You have a few choices:

  1. You can unnest one of the columns and leave .drop set to TRUE. This will add rows for all the values in the nested lists, and drop the additional nested lists.

Replace “MyUserName” below with your actual user name to write this file to your desktop. You can get your username by calling Sys.getenv("USERNAME").

my_user_name <- Sys.getenv("USERNAME")
carberry_keywords <- carberry_data %>%
write_csv(carberry_keywords, file.path("C:/Users", my_user_name, "Desktop/carberry_data1.csv"))
  1. You can drop the nested lists altogether using a combination of select_if() from dplyr and negate() from purrr to drop all lists in the data frame. This is essentially saying, only keep the columns that are not lists. In this example, the number of variables falls to 6, since we have 5 list columns.
carberry_data_short <- carberry_data %>%
  1. You can use mutate() from dplyr to coerce the list columns into character vectors.
carberry_data_mutated <- carberry_data %>%
  dplyr::mutate(keywords = as.character(keywords)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(other_names = as.character(other_names)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(researcher_urls = as.character(map(carberry_data$researcher_urls, purrr::pluck, "url.value", .default=NA_character_))) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(external_ids = as.character(map(carberry_data$external_ids, purrr::pluck, "external-id-url.value", .default=NA_character_)))
write_csv(carberry_data_mutated, "C:/Users/MyUserName/Desktop/carberry_data2.csv")

Getting data on multiple people with orcid_person()

Searching by ORICID iDs

orcid_person() is vectorized, so you can pass in multiple ORICID iDs and it will return a list of results for each ID, with each element named by the ORICID iD.

my_orcids <- c("0000-0002-1825-0097", "0000-0002-9260-8456")
my_orcid_person <- rorcid::orcid_person(my_orcids)
listviewer::jsonedit(my_orcid_person, mode = "view")

We see that we are given a list of 2, each containing the person data. We can put this into a data frame using the same code as above.

my_orcid_person_data <- my_orcid_person %>% {
      created_date = purrr::map_dbl(., purrr::pluck, "name", "created-date", "value", .default=NA_integer_),
      given_name = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "name", "given-names", "value", .default=NA_character_),
      family_name = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "name", "family-name", "value", .default=NA_character_),
      credit_name = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "name", "credit-name", "value", .default=NA_character_),
      other_names = purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "other-names", "other-name", "content", .default=NA_character_),
      orcid_identifier_path = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "name", "path", .default = NA_character_),
      biography = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "biography", "content", .default=NA_character_),
      researcher_urls = purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "researcher-urls", "researcher-url", .default=NA_character_),
      emails = purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "emails", "email", "email", .default=NA_character_),
      keywords = purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "keywords", "keyword", "content", .default=NA_character_),
      external_ids = purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "external-identifiers", "external-identifier", .default=NA_character_)
  } %>%
  dplyr::mutate(created_date = anytime::anydate(created_date/1000))

We now have a nice, neat dataframe of both people’s ORCID name data.

Searching by names

When we want data on multiple people and have only their names, we can build a query.

Now we can build a query that will work with the given-names: and family-name: arguments to query in orcid in order to get the ORICID iDs:

profs <- tibble("FirstName" = c("Josiah", "Clarke"),
                     "LastName" = c("Carberry", "Iakovakis"))
orcid_query <- paste0("given-names:",
                      " AND family-name:",
## [1] "given-names:Josiah AND family-name:Carberry" 
## [2] "given-names:Clarke AND family-name:Iakovakis"

This returns a vector with two queries formatted for nice insertion into rorcid::orcid(). We can use purr::map() to create a loop. What this is saying is, take each element of orcid_query and run a function with it that prints it to the console and runs rorcid::orcid() on it, then return each result to my_orcids_list(). This returns a list of two items. We can then wrap as_tibble() in map_dfr to create a data frame from those list elements.

my_orcids_df <- purrr::map(
  function(x) {
    orc <- rorcid::orcid(x)
  ) %>%
    purrr::map_dfr(., as_tibble) %>%
## [1] "given-names:Josiah AND family-name:Carberry"
## [1] "given-names:Clarke AND family-name:Iakovakis"

First we want to remove the Carberry row that we don’t want (remember that there are two Carberry ORCID accounts, and one doesn’t have much data in it). We can do this using the filter() function from dplyr and the != symbol, which is equivalent to “is not equal to.”

my_orcids_df <- my_orcids_df %>%
  dplyr::filter(orcid_identifier_path != "0000-0002-1028-6941")

This is a data frame of two items. , grab the ORICID iDs, and run the same function we ran above in order to get the name data and the IDs into a single data frame.

my_orcids <- my_orcids_df$orcid_identifier_path
my_orcid_person <- rorcid::orcid_person(my_orcids)
my_orcid_person_data <- my_orcid_person %>% {
      created_date = purrr::map_dbl(., purrr::pluck, "name", "created-date", "value", .default=NA_integer_),
      given_name = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "name", "given-names", "value", .default=NA_character_),
      family_name = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "name", "family-name", "value", .default=NA_character_),
      credit_name = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "name", "credit-name", "value", .default=NA_character_),
      other_names = purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "other-names", "other-name", "content", .default=NA_character_),
      orcid_identifier_path = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "name", "path", .default = NA_character_),
      biography = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "biography", "content", .default=NA_character_),
      researcher_urls = purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "researcher-urls", "researcher-url", .default=NA_character_),
      emails = purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "emails", "email", "email", .default=NA_character_),
      keywords = purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "keywords", "keyword", "content", .default=NA_character_),
      external_ids = purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "external-identifiers", "external-identifier", .default=NA_character_)
    )} %>%
  dplyr::mutate(created_date = anytime::anydate(created_date/1000))

This will be exactly the same thing as we saw above, however we got it from a simple vector of names.

Splitting Names

If the names you have are not already separated into first and last name variables, here is a trick to do that:

Create a tibble using the tibble() function from the dplyr package. Then, use the extract() function from tidyr, along with some regular expressions, to create a first and last name variable:

my_names <- dplyr::tibble("name" = c("Josiah Carberry", "Clarke Iakovakis"))
my_clean_names <- my_names %>%
  tidyr::extract(name, c("FirstName", "LastName"), "([^ ]+) (.*)")


Again, we can unnest if we wish, knowing we’ll multiply the number of rows even more now, because we have more values. For instance, if we unnest keywords, we’ll now have 5 columns (2 keywords for carberry, and 3 keywords for iakovakis):

my_orcid_person_keywords <- my_orcid_person_data %>%

We can write this data to CSV using one of the three strategies outlined above. I’ll use #3 and coerce all list columns to character.

my_orcid_person_data_mutated <- my_orcid_person_data %>%
  dplyr::mutate(keywords = as.character(keywords)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(other_names = as.character(other_names)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(researcher_urls = map(my_orcid_person_data$researcher_urls, purrr::pluck, "url.value", .default=NA_character_)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(external_ids = as.character(map(my_orcid_person_data$external_ids, purrr::pluck, "external-id-url.value", .default=NA_character_)))
write_csv(carberry_data_mutated, "C:/Users/MyUserName/Desktop/carberry_data3.csv")

Getting employment data

In addition to biographical data, we can also get employment data with orcid_employments().

Getting employment data for an individual

clarke_employment <- rorcid::orcid_employments(orcid = "0000-0002-9260-8456")
listviewer::jsonedit(clarke_employment, mode = "view")

Again it comes in a series of nested lists, but we’ll just pluck() what we need and use flatten_dfr() to flatten the lists into a data frame. We will also use the anydate() function to go ahead and convert the dates while we’re at it.

clarke_employment_data <- clarke_employment %>%
  purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "affiliation-group", "summaries") %>% 
  purrr::flatten_dfr() %>%
  janitor::clean_names() %>%
  dplyr::mutate(employment_summary_end_date = anytime::anydate(employment_summary_end_date/1000),
                employment_summary_created_date_value = anytime::anydate(employment_summary_created_date_value/1000),
                employment_summary_last_modified_date_value = anytime::anydate(employment_summary_last_modified_date_value/1000))

The column names are pretty messy here.

##  [1] "employment_summary_put_code"                                                                     
##  [2] "employment_summary_department_name"                                                              
##  [3] "employment_summary_role_title"                                                                   
##  [4] "employment_summary_end_date"                                                                     
##  [5] "employment_summary_external_ids"                                                                 
##  [6] "employment_summary_display_index"                                                                
##  [7] "employment_summary_visibility"                                                                   
##  [8] "employment_summary_path"                                                                         
##  [9] "employment_summary_created_date_value"                                                           
## [10] "employment_summary_last_modified_date_value"                                                     
## [11] "employment_summary_source_source_client_id"                                                      
## [12] "employment_summary_source_assertion_origin_orcid"                                                
## [13] "employment_summary_source_assertion_origin_client_id"                                            
## [14] "employment_summary_source_assertion_origin_name"                                                 
## [15] "employment_summary_source_source_orcid_uri"                                                      
## [16] "employment_summary_source_source_orcid_path"                                                     
## [17] "employment_summary_source_source_orcid_host"                                                     
## [18] "employment_summary_source_source_name_value"                                                     
## [19] "employment_summary_start_date_year_value"                                                        
## [20] "employment_summary_start_date_month_value"                                                       
## [21] "employment_summary_start_date_day_value"                                                         
## [22] "employment_summary_organization_name"                                                            
## [23] "employment_summary_organization_address_city"                                                    
## [24] "employment_summary_organization_address_region"                                                  
## [25] "employment_summary_organization_address_country"                                                 
## [26] "employment_summary_organization_disambiguated_organization_disambiguated_organization_identifier"
## [27] "employment_summary_organization_disambiguated_organization_disambiguation_source"                
## [28] "employment_summary_url_value"                                                                    
## [29] "employment_summary_url"                                                                          
## [30] "employment_summary_end_date_year_value"                                                          
## [31] "employment_summary_end_date_month_value"                                                         
## [32] "employment_summary_end_date_day_value"                                                           
## [33] "employment_summary_start_date_day"                                                               
## [34] "employment_summary_end_date_day"

We’ll clean them up a bit by using the str_replace() function from stringr. You can think of this as analogous to Find + Replace in word processing. We take the names() of the data, and replace each of the phrases with nothing (i.e. the set of empty quotes).

names(clarke_employment_data) <- names(clarke_employment_data) %>%
  stringr::str_replace(., "employment_summary_", "") %>%
  stringr::str_replace(., "source_source_", "") %>%
  stringr::str_replace(., "organization_disambiguated_", "")
##  [1] "put_code"                                          
##  [2] "department_name"                                   
##  [3] "role_title"                                        
##  [4] "end_date"                                          
##  [5] "external_ids"                                      
##  [6] "display_index"                                     
##  [7] "visibility"                                        
##  [8] "path"                                              
##  [9] "created_date_value"                                
## [10] "last_modified_date_value"                          
## [11] "client_id"                                         
## [12] "source_assertion_origin_orcid"                     
## [13] "source_assertion_origin_client_id"                 
## [14] "source_assertion_origin_name"                      
## [15] "orcid_uri"                                         
## [16] "orcid_path"                                        
## [17] "orcid_host"                                        
## [18] "name_value"                                        
## [19] "start_date_year_value"                             
## [20] "start_date_month_value"                            
## [21] "start_date_day_value"                              
## [22] "organization_name"                                 
## [23] "organization_address_city"                         
## [24] "organization_address_region"                       
## [25] "organization_address_country"                      
## [26] "organization_disambiguated_organization_identifier"
## [27] "organization_disambiguation_source"                
## [28] "url_value"                                         
## [29] "url"                                               
## [30] "end_date_year_value"                               
## [31] "end_date_month_value"                              
## [32] "end_date_day_value"                                
## [33] "start_date_day"                                    
## [34] "end_date_day"

If you take a look at the data, you will see that there is no variable indicating whether these are current or past institutions of employment. In fact, the only way to check if the institution is a place of current employment is if the employment_summary_end_date_year_value is NA. Keep in mind that start and end dates are not required fields, and we can’t be certain that people are updating their profiles. However, we can get a data frame of only those items meeting this criteria by using the filter() function from dplyr:

clarke_employment_data_current <- clarke_employment_data %>%

This will remove my previous two institutions, and keep only my current one: Oklahoma State University.

Getting employment data for multiple people

Because orcid_employments() is vectorized, we can feed it multiple ORCID iDs and it will return data for the entire lot, if the individuals have added it.

I’ll grab a random assortment of OSU ORCID iDs from the previous section. Recall that these were pulled based on the detection of OSU data in either Ringgold, email, or affiliation names across all fields. We will issue the initial API call with orcid_employments(), then put it into a data frame with the same function we used above.

my_osu_orcid_ids <- c("0000-0002-6160-9587", "0000-0001-8330-8251", "0000-0003-2863-6724", "0000-0001-6810-5560", "0000-0003-1935-9729", "0000-0002-9088-2312", "0000-0001-9792-7870", "0000-0003-3959-6916", "0000-0002-2621-5320", "0000-0001-9103-3040")
my_osu_employment <- rorcid::orcid_employments(my_osu_orcid_ids)
my_osu_employment_data <- my_osu_employment %>%
  purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "affiliation-group", "summaries") %>% 
  purrr::flatten_dfr() %>%
  janitor::clean_names() %>%
  dplyr::mutate(employment_summary_end_date = anytime::anydate(employment_summary_end_date/1000),
                employment_summary_created_date_value = anytime::anydate(employment_summary_created_date_value/1000),
                employment_summary_last_modified_date_value = anytime::anydate(employment_summary_last_modified_date_value/1000))

Clean up the names.

names(my_osu_employment_data) <- names(my_osu_employment_data) %>%
  stringr::str_replace(., "employment_summary_", "") %>%
  stringr::str_replace(., "source_source_", "") %>%
  stringr::str_replace(., "organization_disambiguated_", "")

Note that this may have multiple entries per person because it gathered their entire employment history. Now let’s take a look at the unique organizations in this dataset:

my_osu_organizations <- my_osu_employment_data %>%
  group_by(organization_name) %>%
  count() %>%

Out of this set of 10 iDs, only 3 have Oklahoma State University Stillwater listed in their employment, and one has Oklahoma State University, and another has Oklahoma State University - Tulsa. The others may have achieved their degree from OSU, or done some service with OSU.

We can make this a bit more manageable by filtering to include only those institutions that include the word “Oklahoma.”

my_osu_organizations_filtered <- my_osu_organizations %>%
  filter(str_detect(organization_name, "Oklahoma"))

Then, out of those, we can decide which ones we want to keep. For instance, we may not want Oklahoma State University - Tulsa.

my_osu_employment_data_filtered <- my_osu_employment_data %>%
  dplyr::filter(organization_name == "Oklahoma State University Stillwater"
                | organization_name == "Oklahoma State University")

Then, out of those, let’s see how many are listed as current employees, as indicated with an NA in their end_date_year_value.

my_osu_employment_data_filtered_current <- my_osu_employment_data_filtered %>%

It looks like the third row was removed because they have 1997 in their employment end date, and therefore are no longer employed by OSU.

Note that this will give you employment records ONLY. In other words, each row represents a single employment record for an individual. The name_value variable refers specifically to the name of the person or system that wrote the record, NOT the name of the individual. To get that, you must first get all the unique ORCID iDs from the dataset.

Problem is, there is actually no distinct value identifying the orcid ID of the person. The orcid_path value corresponds to the path of the person who added the employment record (which is usually, but not always the same). Therefore you have to strip out the ORCID iD from the ‘path’ variable first and put it in it’s own value and use it. We do this using str_sub from the stringr package. While we are at it, we can select and reorder the columns we want to keep.

osu_current_employment_all <- my_osu_employment_data_filtered_current %>%
  mutate(orcid_identifier = str_sub(path, 2, 20)) %>%
  select(orcid_identifier, organization_name, organization_address_city,
         organization_address_region, organization_address_country,
         organization_disambiguated_organization_identifier, organization_disambiguation_source, department_name, role_title, url,
         display_index, visibility, created_date_value,
         start_date_year_value, start_date_month_value, start_date_day_value,
         end_date_year_value, end_date_month_value, end_date_day_value)

If we want to take the next step to join this with biographical information, we create a new vector unique_orcids that includes only unique() ORCID iDs from our filtered dataset and remove NA values with na.omit().

osu_unique_orcids <- unique(osu_current_employment_all$orcid_identifier) %>%
## [1] "0000-0001-8330-8251" "0000-0001-6810-5560"

Use orcid_person() as above, and construct our tibble():

my_osu_orcid_person <- rorcid::orcid_person(osu_unique_orcids)
my_osu_orcid_person_data <- my_osu_orcid_person %>% {
    created_date = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "name", "created-date", "value", .default=NA_character_),
    given_name = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "name", "given-names", "value", .default=NA_character_),
    family_name = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "name", "family-name", "value", .default=NA_character_),
    orcid_identifier_path = purrr::map_chr(., purrr::pluck, "name", "path", .default = NA_character_))
} %>%
  dplyr::mutate(created_date = anytime::anydate(as.double(created_date)/1000))

Now we can use left_join() from dplyr to join this biographical data back to the employment data. It will include a single line of data for individual’s employment records

osu_orcid_person_employment_join <- my_osu_orcid_person_data %>%
  left_join(osu_current_employment_all, by = c("orcid_identifier_path" = "orcid_identifier"))

Then you can write that to a CSV.

Getting Works with rorcid::works() and rorcid::orcid_works()

Getting works for an individual

There are two functions in rorcid to get all of the works associated with an ORICID iD: orcid_works() and works(). The main difference between these is orcid_works() returns a list, with each work as a list item, and each external identifier (e.g. ISSN, DOI) also as a list item. On the other hand, works() returns a nice, neat data frame that can be easily exported to a CSV.

Like orcid_person(), these functions require an ORICID iD, and do not use the query fields we saw with the orcid() function.

carberry_orcid <- c("0000-0002-1825-0097")
carberry_works <- rorcid::works(carberry_orcid) %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  janitor::clean_names() %>%
  dplyr::mutate(created_date_value = anytime::anydate(created_date_value/1000))

Dr. Carberry has seven works. Because ORCID data can be manually entered, the integrity, completeness, and consistency of this data will sometimes vary.

You can see the external_ids_external_id column is actually a nested list, a concept we discussed above. This can be unnested with the tidyr::unnest() function. Just as a single researcher can have multiple identifiers, a single work may also have multiple identifiers (e.g., DOI, ISSN, EID). If that is the case, when this column is unnested, there will be repeating rows for those items.

carberry_works_ids <- carberry_works %>%
  tidyr::unnest(external_ids_external_id) %>%

In this case, we now have 13 observations of 27 variables rather than 7 observations of 24 variables. The extra rows are there because all but one of the works has two external identifiers. The extra columns are there because four new columns were added with the unnest (that’s why we had to clean the names again):

  • external_id_type identifies the type of external identifier–see a list of supported identifiers in ORCID. (required)
  • external_id_value: contains the identifier itself (required)
  • external_id_url: contains a link the identifier will resolve to (optional)
  • external_id_relationship: indicates if the identifier refers to the item itself (SELF), such as a DOI or a person identifier, or a whole that the item is part of (PART_OF), such as an ISSN for a journal article.

So we can follow one of the three strategies outlined above if we want to write this to a CSV file: 1) unnest the column (as above), 2) drop the nested lists, or 3) mutate them into character vectors.

Getting works for multiple people

orcid::works() is not vectorized, meaning, if you have multiple ORICID iDs, you can’t use it. Instead, you have to pass them to the orcid::orcid_works() function.

my_orcids <- c("0000-0002-1825-0097", "0000-0002-9260-8456", "0000-0002-2771-9344")
my_works <- rorcid::orcid_works(my_orcids)
listviewer::jsonedit(my_works, mode = "view")

This returns a list of 3 elements, with the works nested in group > work-summary. They can be plucked and flattened into a data frame:

my_works_data <- my_works %>%
  purrr::map_dfr(pluck, "works") %>%
  janitor::clean_names() %>%
  dplyr::mutate(created_date_value = anytime::anydate(created_date_value/1000))

Unnesting external IDs

Now you may want to run some analysis using the external identifiers; for instance, you can use the roadoi package to look at which DOIs are open access.

We run into a problem here when we try to unnest the external IDs:

my_works_externalIDs <- my_works_data %>%

The error message reads: "Error: Each column must either be a list of vectors or a list of data frames [external_ids_external_id]". This is because some of the list columns are empty. We can just filter them out before unnesting:

my_works_externalIDs <- my_works_data %>%
  dplyr::filter(!purrr::map_lgl(external_ids_external_id, purrr::is_empty)) %>%

If we want to keep them, there’s a workaround: use map_lgl to first remove (filter() out) the NULL external_id columns, then unnest the ids, then bind back the NULL author columns, and finally deselecting the extra author and link columns as these are no longer in the transformed, unnested data.

my_works_externalIDs_keep <- my_works_data %>% 
  dplyr::filter(!purrr::map_lgl(external_ids_external_id, purrr::is_empty)) %>% 
  tidyr::unnest(external_ids_external_id, .drop = TRUE) %>% 
  dplyr::bind_rows(my_works_data %>% 
                     dplyr::filter(map_lgl(external_ids_external_id, is.null)) %>%


The ORCID API is an excellent tool for analyzing research activity on multiple levels. rorcid makes gathering and cleaning the data easier. Thanks to both ORCID and Scott Chamberlain for their contributions to the community. Again, read Paul Oldham’s excellent post at for more you can do. I hope this walkthrough helps. If you need to get in touch with me, find my contact info at